La bibliothèque de Spiridon


Selection of books, some of which are available in the e-shop. This seemed obvious to us for a cultural brand. It's nice to receive a book with a beautiful Spiridon garment.


Born to Run Christophe McDougall

There are books that are as important as a split session... "Born to run" is one of them. In parallel with the story of the Tarahumaras, Christopher McDougall returns to the origins of running: when running was part of our human instinct. An essential reading between adventure novel and existential story.

Christopher McDougall, "Born to run", Guérin Eds, 410 p.

Trail Kilian Jornet trailer mountain trail runner

A trail superstar (Kilian Jornet), a very high level mountaineer (Steve House), a coach of cross-country ski champions (Scott Johnston)... The best of the best have designed this training manual for the trail and ski mountaineering. It is a marvel of Guérin Paulsen editions, a benchmark in sport-nature-adventure publishing.

Kilian Jornet, Steve House and Scott Johnston , "Up! Training manual for trail running and ski mountaineering", Guérin Eds, 384 p.

Little praise of running Cecile Coulon

Cécile Coulon is a novelist, poet and runner. His "Little Praise of Running" is a gem. Nourished by literary and cinematographic references, her story evokes both the history of running and her emotions as a runner. "In the race, when you leave without asking questions, it often happens that you find an answer on your momentum". A very nice discovery.

Cécile Coulon, "Little praise of running", Bourin Francois Eds, 128 p.

Free to Run Pierre Morath

This beautiful illustrated book is the extension of the doc. "Free-to-Run". Pierre Morath analyzes the recent history of running, from the idealistic and militant birth of running to the great marathons of today. The Spiridon movement, an ardent defender of free running, is the subject of two fascinating and very well documented chapters.

Pierre Morath, "Free to Run", Hugo & Cie, 240 p.

The Tarahumaras Antonin Artaud

This people lives in the North of Mexico, in the state of Chihuahua. One of its singularities: it excels in distance running. The Tarahumaras have fascinated people for a long time. In the 1930s, Antonin Artaud went to Mexico, met them and devoted a book (complex and mystical) to his Mexican experience alongside this tribe. More recently, Christopher McDougall made them known worldwide. In his book "BORN TO RUN", he describes these "light-footed" people, capable of running phenomenal distances (+ 100 km per day) barefoot or in thin sandals. Their story is fascinating.

Antonin Artaud, "The Tarahumaras", Folio essays, 192 p .

First published in 1945

The Solitude of long-distance runner Alan Sillitoe

Magnificent short story by English writer Alan Sillitoe (1959). This book tells the story of a young delinquent, Colin Smith, who likes to run, but despises competition; It describes the fate of an anti-hero who refuses to submit to the cult of medals and performance. A masterful reflection on freedom... and running.

Alan Silitoe, "The Solitude of the long-distance runner", 10/18, 96 p.

The crazy history of trail running Jean-Philippe Lefief

Jean Philippe Lefief is a journalist, translator of the mythical "Born to Run" and triple UTMB finisher. In "La Folle Histoire du trail", he details not only his experience as a trailer but also the origin and history of long-distance running. There are well-known heroes (the Tarahumaras, Kathrine Switzer...) but also Inca runners, a king of Scotland, Buddhist monks... And a very instructive chapter on the Spiridon movement. It is well written alive, ultra documented. Exciting.

Jean-Philippe Lefief, "The Crazy History of Trail", Guérin, 262 p .

Defeat Sylvain Coher in Rome

Sylvain Coher slips into the head of Abebe Bikila, winner of the Olympic marathon in Rome (1960) in 2h15'16 at the end of a race he runs barefoot. In addition to the sporting achievement, the writer analyzes the historical and symbolic significance of the Ethiopian runner's victory on Italian soil, 24 years after Mussolini took Addis Ababa. A book that reads "as one runs; in one go, sparing one's breath".

Sylvain Coher, "Vaincre à Rome", Actes Sud, 176 p.

Running Jean Echenoz

As a teenager Émile Zatopek hated running. A few years later, he became "the Czech locomotive", the fastest man in the world collecting records and medals including a historic hat-trick at the Helsinki Olympic Games in 1952 where he successively won the 10,000m, the 5,000m and the marathon. In "Courir", the wonderful writer Jean Echenoz pays tribute to this ordinary man who became an exceptional athlete.

Jean Echenoz, "Running", Ed.Minuit, 144 p.

Self-portrait of the author as a long-distance runner Haruki Murakami

Classic of the great Japanese marathon writer and triathlete, Haruki Murakami. In this book, he explains how he became addicted to running and draws an exciting parallel between running and writing. A reference.

Haruki Murakami, "Self-portrait of the author as a long-distance runner", 10/18, 224 p.

Journey to the End of Endurance
This autobiography is the intimate story of a trail running champion, Lizzy Hawker. A book that goes far beyond a simple history of competition and running, but which explores what the act of running means. An oceanographer by training, Lizzy Hawker is a true explorer of the extreme. She has won the legendary Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc 5 times. She recounts here her efforts, her fragility, her doubts and wonders about the reasons that push her to run and always want to surpass herself. A great human story.

Lizzy Hawker, "Journey to the End of Endurance", Guérin, 278 p .